

Android SmartphoneをLaptopにUSB接続する際のデフォルト設定

Android SmartphoneをLaptopにUSB接続する際、毎回「USBの設定」から「USBの接続用途」で「ファイル転送」を選択する必要を無くす


Wise is a Money Service Business registered with FinCen. It is authorized to operate in most states. In other states, t...

U.S. Navy Naval Base Port Hueneme & DBIS

Visit military base - U.S. Navy Naval base to get my DBID. To play at SeeBee golf course, DBID is required, because this golf course is located in U.S. Navy facility. However, everyone can can enter Navy base in case who complete the registration and have ID card except for shopping, we can enter the shopping area but shopping is not permitted for facility-use member. I was nervous to pass the permission at the gate, the gate soldiers have the full equipped with assault rifle...


チップ  毎回外食のたびにチップ計算が面倒 It's a hassle to calculate the tip every time you eat out. 単位  SI単位系(メートル法)じゃなくて、長さ・質...

WhatsApp 移行方法

Android端末でのWhatsApp 移行方法 旧端末 (日本の携帯電話番号) WhatsApp でチャットデータのバックアップ(Google Cloud)を取得。新端末に、WhatsAppをInstallする。新端末で、What...

WhatsApp スマホ&電話番号変更

WhatsApp スマホ&電話番号変更に伴い、前のスマホ(インドのスマホ & +91の電話番号) から 今のスマホ(日本のスマホ & +81の電話番号へ完全移行する際の手順を確認。 手順 MessageのBa...

KORRA | Hand-made Selvedge Jeans in India

KORRA | Custom-fit & Hand-made Selvedge Jeans in India. You can choose several kinds of fabric type made in USA/Italy/Japan and patterns, and professional shop staff measure your size and modify it for you. You can get only one Jeans for you.

TED: Try something new for the 30 days

Here is my question to you 皆さんに質問があります。turn out ~ということが分かる[判明する]e.g. It turns outend up 結局[最後には]~になる e.g. If I gi...

TED: Street art with a message of hope and peace

universal 一般的な、普遍的な、a universal rule 一般法則 a universal truth 普遍的真理 a universal message 普遍的なメッセージ tolerance 我慢、耐...

TED: 5 ways to listen better

in fact 事実上、実際は、In fact, they plan to do 実際、彼は実行する予定だ。 impatient 気短な、いらいらした、せっかちな、He was impatient of interrup...